The ROI of Endineering. Part 3. Value on consumer experience at the end?
Some say that consumer experience needs to demonstrate its value, arguing that it can occasionally be considered as an indulgence, neither practical nor profitable. Certainly, ends are perceived as such for many people. And I understand their logic, but with fresh thinking there are clear benefits for businesses to engage in the way people leave a consumer relationship.
The ROI of Endineering. Part 2. Where is the investment growth from consumer experience coming from?
As a longtime advocate of the customer experience, it’s great for me to see interest in it increasing, despite most attention going towards the on-boarding and usage phases. This interest will widen the remit of the discipline, no doubt expanding it to other areas beyond core functionality. Endings will start to be considered as an important part of the process of dealing with consumers. This is a growing field. There is significant appetite for taking on-board new areas of the consumer experience discipline.
The ROI of Endineering. Part 1. The cost of building an endings aware business.
A common question that I get asked is ‘What would the return on investment (ROI) be of ends?’ Investing in better consumer off-boarding cannot be considered in isolation. It needs to be located in the wider context of changing consumer awareness, emerging legislation, marketing trends and other investments. To answer it, I want to break down the question into separate, more specific issues.
Visibility Levels of the Lingering Type of Ending.
The Lingering Ending Type and Layers of Visibility.
The Ends Canvas
The Ends Canvas is for businesses to use as part of the product development process. It will help focus attention on the characteristics of a good consumer off-boarding experience.
Consumer Ending Types.
Ends happen. They will happen to your product, service or digital product. Knowing the characteristics of these endings is helpful for understanding your business, your consumers, their needs and delivering a better quality product.
Building and designing for this will help soften the blow of a hard ending. It will improve communication, create a more collaborative off-boarding experience and be conducted under far greater control.
Broadly, there are 7 types of endings that consumers experience. Each of these have distinct characteristics. Sometimes a consumer could experience two or even three different endings at the same time, but usually a dominate one will define the situation.
Doubts to endings with GDPR
Consumers now experience many data and service engagements. Previously providers would aim for trust. But now, with the consumer experiencing multiple engagements and the perceived threat of GDPR, industry will now have to seek loyalty. Where consumers actively overlook offers from competitors.
Ends principles for GDPR
While studying GDPR and how it is empowering consumers endings with data. I have been able to capture some principles which I think help compose a healthy off-boarding experience for the consumer and ease the burden on business.
Off-boarding stages with Right to be Forgotten
Once the relationship has deteriorated to a point where the consumer is actioning their Right to be Forgotten, it is important to define stages that the consumer will witness. A process that helps them feel comfortable, informed and in control. In view of this I propose these stages to help frame the situation, set expectations, agreements, and consumer responsibility.
Flow through end states in GDPR.
European consumers will flex their rights by moving their data relationships between different end states. Taking their relationships closer and closer to consumer death.
Designing Ends for Apple
Apple is largely regarded as the best in class for consumer experience. Yet the company fails at providing an Off-Boarding experience to its consumers. In this article I highlight the missed opportunity in Ends! And make some suggestions on how it can be improved.
Desirable ‘Aftermath Targets’ in consumer experiences
We retain comfortable or uncomfortable memories of a service or product. If that memory relates to a service or product of your design, you are probably hoping that it will be a positive one. Considering what type of Aftermath Target you want them to feel after leaving, and designing towards that will maximise your chances of being fondly remembered.